Frequently Asked Questions

Question about selling

Many factors affect home values nationwide including consumer confidence in the economy, demand for real estate, interest rates and job growth. Your home’s actual value, however, is dramatically affected by a combination of local factors that can cause its value to depreciate. Some factors are within your control.

Old homes offer charm, new homes offer higher value…or at least that is what many buyers think.  The truth is that value may be in the eye of the beholder. However, here are a few things to think about when discerning value in a new home versus and old one.

Most people would consider a new home more valuable because there should be no major expenses in the first several years of ownership. Unfortunately, almost all the major components of a house have a life expectancy. So, a house that is 30 years old may be equally renovated and just as updated as a new home. The usual big ticket expenses are windows, roof, siding, and HVAC. An older home may be just as valuable as a new home if these features are up to date and concern for maintenance costs is minimal.

A real estate broker, real estate agent or realtor is a person who represents sellers or buyers of real estate or real property. While a broker may work independently, an agent usually works under a licensed broker to represent clients.

Question about renting

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